Sprint Nextel Corporation(or just sprint)
Sprint Nextel is a telecommunications company, which Overland Park, Kansas. The company owns and operates, Sprint, wireless communications, the network's third-largest in the United States has 52 million customers, behind Verizon Wireless and AT & T Mobility [2].
Sprint is a global Internet carrier, and will become part of the Internet backbone. United States, the company is the third largest supplier of off time and is also part of Clear-wire, which operates the largest wireless broadband.
The company's name was changed in 2005 by acquiring Nextel Communications, Sprint Corporation. The company will continue to operate using two different wireless technologies, CDMA and iDEN (Nextel, and kick some Mobile subscribers). In 2006 the company spun off its local fixed-line telephone business, naming it Embarq (who later bought a CenturyTel). In 2009, Sprint agreed to outsource their wireless networks, Ericsson.
Sprint Nextel launched its first WiMAX wireless card, 21 December 2008 (Wireless Broadband Card Franklin U300), WiMAX, and a telephone available for the first time in the U.S. (HTC Evo 4G) is June 4, 2010 by using the technology of WiMAX Clearwire Corp. in recent Consumer Reports survey tied to long-time favorite Sprint, Verizon Wireless in terms of customer satisfaction, a major improvement on previous years [3 ].